Nov 30, 2009
29/42; 10/52
Nov 29, 2009
Nov 28, 2009
27/42; 8/52
Nov 27, 2009
26/42; 7/52
and percentages, then maybe we can all
learn from them. When you think about it,
what other choice is there but to hope? We
have two options, medically and emotionally:
give up, or Fight Like Hell.
Lance Armstrong
Nov 26, 2009
25/42; 6/52
Nov 25, 2009
24/42; 5/52
Nov 24, 2009
Mess Up
23/42; 4/52
22/42; 3/52
Nov 22, 2009
Nov 21, 2009
20/42; 1/52
Nov 20, 2009
Another Day
Nov 19, 2009
17/42 Horrible Rest Day
Nov 17, 2009
Nov 16, 2009
Nov 15, 2009
Nov 14, 2009
Rest Day 13/42
Nov 13, 2009

Set your goals based on what you're most passionate about.
Meaningful challenges will awaken those capabilities and get them working for you.-OPT
Nov 12, 2009
Nov 11, 2009
Nov 10, 2009
Rest Day
Nov 9, 2009
Nov 8, 2009
Nov 7, 2009
CF Nutrition Cert
Robb also has a BS in Biochemistry. He worked as a research biochemist for 5 years, which includes CV lipid metabolism research at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center as well as Paleolithic Diet research with Prof. Loren Cordain of Colorado State University and author of the book The Paleo Diet. He is also a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism and co-publisher and editor-in-chief of The Performance Menu.
Nicki is hidden in the backround of the CF Nutrition Cert but has a huge part in the operation they have going on. Don't think things would run so smooth without her around. She has competed at the collegiate level in three different sports: volleyball, swimming, and track & field. Nicki is an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, holds Level III CrossFit trainer, and USAW Level I Olympic Weightlifting Coach certifications.
In addition to Nicki’s fitness background, she has a BA in Economics and speaks Italian, Spanish and a fair amount of Russian. She is also co-publisher of The Performance Menu.
I had to talk about these two because besides Colin and Huff these are the other two that are making a big impact on my life right now and I couldn't be more thankful for it. I got a TON of great information today and want to look up a bunch of more things about it all.
No WOD today, no article, and felt good all day so no complaints.
Nov 6, 2009
Nov 5, 2009
Nov 4, 2009
Nov 3, 2009
Monday 091102
B2. Hip extensions 40X2: 15x4 rest 60 sec b/t
-Finally got to see what all this tempo work was about. Colin has taken over my programming and I think we got a good thing set up. We will see as time passes.
-Started with HPS. HORRIBLE. Was shooting for 115 today but my grip is shot from Sat WOD so only hit 110, but it was awesome considering I haven’t done any heavy lifting in 6 weeks.
-Next was the tempo movements, the B1 and B2 mean you do them alternating one after another until all the sets are completed. This was ridiculous. Haven’t done Hip extensions yet so was interested to see how I would do. The K2E were hard but got through it and the Hip extensions…..My butt was on fire! I haven’t felt that burn since the Games. Thanks Colin!
5 Rounds:
20 Anchored Sit-ups
25 Double Unders
My grip is still weak today and my leg is still sore but this WOD was perfect. 15 pull-ups at a time were fine. Each round I didn’t break pull-ups or sit-ups and the rounds I broke Double unders ended up being right around 1:15 or so.
Rounds- 1:13,1:02,1:15,1:15,1:01