Nov 9, 2009


Yep these two little ones are mine. Thought I'd have big dogs huh? Nope. You would fall in love with them too if you had them.

Not to much to say today because I had a long day. Drove back from San Diego, worked in my house to put more stuff away, went and did a WOD, cooked a bit of dinner, had to iron then shower......geez that's a lot. But had an awesome WOD:

Tabata Squats (slow and consistent)


"Flight Simulator"
5-50-5 (increments of 5)
unbroken double unders (if even 1 rep is missed on any set you have to start that set over)

Tabata-12 each round

The tabata felt great. I will have to wait a few days to see how sore my leg gets. The Flight Simulator is an OPT WOD and it is RIDICULOUS! I thought my arms were going to fall off. I missed 2 sets; 40 and 25 on the way down. When you miss it's very aggravating and gets you heated. You have to stop and refocus to be able to finish. I was trying to beat Colins' time of 11:55. I didn't but considering it was his second time I feel good about my time. Thank you Colin.

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