Nov 17, 2009


I finally got back from San Diego today and hopefully I don't have to go back down there for awhile because it wears you down. I do have to drive back down to UCLA early tomorrow but hopefully I'll be back a little early to relax and get some things done that I haven't been able to get done.

I've been meaning to add this as a link on my blog but keep forgetting. This is the official Paleo Diet blog. It's still very new (like mine) but already a bunch of great info and Q & A's.

My leg was sore today from yesterday....not my Quad either but the actual ligament where they sewed the muscle on. Definitely not doing that for awhile. I was excited about today but soon realized it was going to be just as hard as yesterday. Doing the amrap of dips between the snatches really killed me to pull normal. I was very unsatisfied with how I did at first but then thought about it and haven't done anything heavy from the floor in 2 months and with the holds I was fried from the first part. I kept wishing for 3 minutes rests too, 2 minutes wasn't enough but there is reasoning behind it.Thanks Colin....I enjoy the suck.

A1. Power Snatch 2,2,2,2,2 rest 120 sec b/t sets
A2. Ring Dips 21x0; amrap x 5; rest 120 sec b/t sets
B1. Snatch Overhead Hold 95lbs x 3 sets for max time; rest 120sec b/t sets
B2. Ring Support Hold 3 sets for max time; rest 120sec b/t sets
C. Walking Lunges 1010; 20r 20l x 3 sets; alternate each leg; rest as needed

A1. 80,95,105,115,120F
A2. 8,5,5,5,4
B1. 63,53,62
B2. 46,44,47
C. rx'd rested only 1min b/t sets

I have this problem with my butt always coming up early, this is why I couldn't get 120 and why my deadlift sucks too. 115 felt strong and pretty sure I can get 125 for 2 if my butt stays down. Previous PR 1RM was 135, so 2 at 115 not bad. On the ring dips the tempo is hard and thought I was being slick by kipping (1st set) then Colin (always ruins it for me when I try to make it easy...ha! I honestly don't mind) told me "No Kipping". Last 4 sets were no leg movement. Made a huge difference. The holds were insane after A1 and A2. Wanted over a minute on everything but excited with how close it all was. The walking lunges felt fine on my leg so we will see in a couple days. Rest Day tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

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