Jan 22, 2010


First thing.......be HAPPY! It's Friday and we all made it to another beautiful weekend. It was hard for me but I know if I can do it all of you can too.
I decided to wait just a few days before I posted again because I wrote such a long post last time, got to give everyone time to read it along with everything else you do in your busy life. I actually had some other people post my last blog up on their sites (thank you so much) and this means a lot to me. All I have wanted, since I've started my blog is for people to learn from it.....that's it. To know more and more people are reading it makes me feel great to know I'm just making a bit of difference in your life. I'm not judgmental, very open minded, and have a lot of info to pass on. Anything I say, if I offend you, I'm sorry that's not my intention at all. I'm just here to help others step outside their box maybe even for the first time and take a chance. Most of you are crossfitters and do the unknown everyday and you train for the unknowable so you shouldn't be afraid to do it with other things even if they are mental:)

These videos are quite long but I talked with Robb awhile ago and he told us they were training this guy to break the world record for non-stop drumming so I wanted to post the outcome. He needed to go 120hrs and only made it 108 but still an amazing feat all the same. He talks about the aftermath and how the training helped with all of it. Congrats to Robb and Nicki, they did a good thing helping him.
Well today I feel the worst that I have yet since I've been on the trial meds. I think all the side effects decided to kick in today and man does it hurt. Light sensitivity, migraine, nausea and the list goes on so I won't be talking to much because the computer screen hurts too. Hope all of you are well and have a great weekend!

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