Nov 5, 2009


Here are the owners of CFVentura, Colin and Bill. I'm sure I will be mentioning them..........A LOT........ so wanted to let you see them!

Back in Jan I started to see some pretty good gains on everything including my deadlift. I went from 225 to 265 in a matter of almost a month. I was impressed. About a month after that I pulled 275 and my back along with it. I knew it was to late to heal with qualifiers in a month. So I worked through it, in pain on every workout where the muscles in my back were erected (which is pretty much everything). I qualified and decided to not touch a heavy deadlift until after the Games because I knew I would make it worse. I just made sure to pull 185 and sometimes 205 because those would be competing weight for the women. BIG MISTAKE! I figured deadlifts would come out in the Games, but was hoping it wouldn't be a max pull. I got lucky didn't I. Anyways, if your going to the Games you can't have more than 1 weakness or you can say goodbye to placing well. I knew I would beat the heavier women on the run and would pull in the middle on the deadlift. Not good enough there......
I decided something has to change after the Games. I was tired of having ridiculous weightlifting numbers and a deadlift that wasn't over 300 yet. I got introduced to Westside barbell. Since then I have read a ton of articles written from Lou Simmons (amazing powerlifter and owner of Westside). What they do is way different from what most Crossfitters even know about. It's very interesting to me and I have started implementing what I can(minus the chains and bands because a normal CF gym isn't set up for this) and wish I could do more. I came across this article written by Dave Tate (also an awesome powerlifter and owner at EliteFTS). It's about his first experience at Westside because he was getting bored with what he was doing. I was amazed at this and I'm going to buy one of these bars when I can collect some money.

OK. on to my WOD(workout of the day for those of you that don't know)

A1. Deadlift 5,5,5,5 rest 120sec
A2. Bar Dips 4-6x4; rest 120sec
B1. Pull-ups 31x1; 2-3x3 rest 90sec
B2. Ring Dips AMRAP x3 rest 90sec

Man this tempo work is ridiculous and I'm still trying to get used to it. I keep messing it up, but should be good to go real soon. On the DL I started at 185. Did the first set touch and go. Colin said "NO". I had to do one at a time...up,down, another breath then up. Holy crap this was way harder! Then did the bar dips. I did 5 reps and no kipping with it. Next I moved on to B1 &B2. Again I did the pull-ups wrong but was corrected quickly. Did dead hang on the pull-up and used a kip on the ring dips. Was fried b the time I got here.

DL- 185, 205, 205, 215
BD-5 on each set
PU-3 on each set
RD- 8, 12, 6

One last thing and I will shut up for today. I started back at work yesterday, only a half day and I was beat. Woke up today and felt like a zombie half of the day because I was so worn down. Hope work doesn't end up being to hard especially when I'm not even turning wrenches yet. Being in a new place really helps with the motivation and morale so we will see.


  1. Kudos to you for embracing Westside principles. The Safety Squat bar will do wonders for your posterior chain as will learning about how they lift and how they cycle training. More CrossFitters should embrace their lifting philosophy as combined with a proper GPP program, it works like a damn charm.

  2. Agreed! I got into the Powerlifting Cert in Jan at Westside so that will definitely help to get a good grasp on it! Thanks Jay!

  3. I wish I could afford to head to that cert in Jan... you will learn a LOT. Louie is the man, I went to Westside years ago on a pilgrimage... ha
